New Life Project Kanchanaburi 

1. English Classes & Homework

The children and youths are taught by a project staff member every day. On weekdays they have class at 5pm - 5.30pm, and on the weekend they do morning classes from 9am - 11.30am. This month the topics included daily conversation, learning vocabulary from songs and cartoons, numbers, months of the year and discussing their favourite things. They also practice grammar and reading books in English.


2. Psychological Activities

The project’s psychologist organised a program called “Psychological Activities for Changing Behavior and Promoting Children’s Development” by watching a movie, various media, and advertising. They were taught to analyse and think about what they had seen before presenting their comments.


3. Baking & Cooking

The kids learn how to bake! The created birthday cakes, coconut chiffon, brownies, sandwiches, cupcakes and Thai desserts. Not only that, they learned how to sell what they made at the local Saturday markets.


4. Planting Organic Vegetables

After school at 4pm as well as on weekends, the group does agricultural activities. They plant all sorts of vegetables throughout the year like morning glory,  pumpkins, long beans and local vegetables. They also get to learn about the seasons, and which produce is best at certain types of the year.


New Life Project Chumphon 

1. Art Showcase

On Saturdays, everybody gets to practice their art skills and show what they created. This month they studied nature and the various things around us, like recycling bottles.


2. School Homework

The boys and youths complete homework and review their school lessons with help from the project staff. On weekdays they do this 7pm - 8pm, and weekends it’s 2pm - 3pm in the afternoon. 


3. Chinese New Year

On 11 February, the staff and children prepared materials and food for Chinese New Year, to pay respect to the Spirit which will protect them.


4. Beach Trip

A highlight of the month! The staff took the children to a beach for some fun and relaxation after studying and activities. 


5. Planting Organic Vegetables 

The children planted more vegetables which they then harvest for cooking. They plant a variety of vegetables throughout the year according to the season. Here are some corn and peanuts direct from the garden!


To all of our donors, team and supporters, thank you for another wonderful month!