Children and Youth Development Project

English Language - New Life Project’s psychologist, Ms. Sasinan Nilchansir organized activities for the kids. The activities involve watching movies, various media, and commercials. The children are also taught to analyse and think before presenting their opinions. She also counseled as a group and individually.


Art Activity - Images of Mandalas were the subject of the children’s art session at NLPK. It was an exercise to broaden their imagination and express their creativity. They were asked to explain and interpret each of their works.

School Achievements - Three of our younger kids from NLPK were part of the school Academic Competition at school and they won some awards.

1. Cake won the Bronze award in the Speaking English Speech Contest (Impromptu Speech) for Grades 4-6 students, in the 3rd English Language Skills Contest Event of the 2020 academic year, Kanchanaburi Province.

2. Sugus won the 2nd runner-up award of the Healthy Kids Contest for Females in grades 4-6, in the Healthy Kids and Primary Heath Care and the Correct Brushing of Teeth Event for the 2020 academic year

3. Khao Hom won the Beautiful Smile Award with White Teeth for the Healthy Kids and Primary Heath Care and the Correct Brushing of Teeth Event for the Year 2020 at the Provincial level.

She also won a Gold Award in the Singing Contest for Grades 1-6 students in Kanchanaburi Province, for the academic year 2020.

Professional Training for Career and Income Earning Project

Bakery Class - There are 15 students who attend for baking birthday cakes, brownies, cupcakes, orange cakes, roll cakes, coconut chiffon cakes, bread, etc. The bakery items made are taken to sell at the Saturday Market every week.


Arts and Craft - making bead necklaces and bracelets and straps for face masks, taught by internal project teacher on Saturdays and Sundays, 09.00 am to 11.00 am, targeting children and youth aged 12 years and up, for 15 students


Gardening Activity - Planting vegetables in rotation all year round, such as pumpkins, long beans, Cantonese bok choy, vegetables for salads, etc.


Mushroom Farm - led by project staff, who assign children to be responsible for doing regular tasks taking care of the farm with rotation duties of cleaning, watering and harvesting. The products are divided into 2 parts: one part for consumption at the project and the other part is sold to earn income for the centre.