- 24-25 October 2020 /Photography project at Home Hug

Some kids together with the staff went to Yasothon for the photography workshop on 24-25 October 2020. They enjoyed the workshop because of the activities that the facilitators prepared for them and they were happy because they got the chance to meet the kids in Baan Home Hug and Baan Than Namchai.


- 31 October 2020 /Halloween Party and celebrated the 15th Anniversary of Hands Across the Water

Pama House had a Halloween Party on 31 October 2020 and also celebrated the 15th Anniversary of Hands Across the Water. The kids and staff wore scary costumes and each group did a presentation. They recited poems in English, played the guitar, sang and danced during the party. The kids really had a great Halloween.


This month the kids are going to join the “Chan Run for Life”. The proceeds from this event will be donated to the Prapokklao Hospital Chanthaburi ( A Shelter for patients without relatives and poor)