Our small family at PAMA house have been keeping busy with activities this month. The ages of the kids at PAMA House range from 3 years old to 21 years old so as you can imagine it is always a difficult task trying to come up with activites to suit everyone. But they never fail and this month they have done some amazing things together as a family.


1. Tie Dye T-shirts Tie-dye has been around forever, but it's recently made a comeback as one of the biggest fashion trends of 2020. The kids at PAMA house have been making tie dye for years, using old clothes to bring them back to life. They use natural ingredients such as banana leaf to make the dye and have fun creating different patterns.

2. Mothers’ Day Activities In Thailand, the 12th of August is celebrated as the birthday of Her Majesty Queen Sirikit and the entire country immerses in celebrations. As the Queen is also seen as being the mother of all Thai people, this day is also celebrated as 'Mother's Day' The kids went to the temple and joined in the activities and events. The kids together with some villagers helped with a clean up by collecting garbage in the village.

3. Indoor picnic This Indoor picnic was initiated by Justice, the English teacher and was held for the High school kids finishing their book. The kids enjoyed delicious Chicken Ala King made by Justice with the help of the High school kids and waffles made by K.Hnoi the cook. After the picnic, the kids enjoyed playing some games and hanging out as a family.

September and October will be a fun time for the kids with an up coming English Camp from 5th to 6th September. They are busily preparing for the Hands Big Night In to celebrate 15 years of Hands Across the Water. The kids have decided they want to do a Halloween costume party to celebrate.